Notes To Self
Notes To Self
This one is about fruits, and nothing more 🍎

This one is about fruits, and nothing more 🍎

Why are you reaching for the same apple?

There is no longer room for bitterness. You’ve grown an orchard of succulent fruits all by yourself, so why are you still picking from the same underripe tree? Your roots are so tangled up in the knots and gnarls of it that you’re frightened at what you might lose of yourself if you break free. But look at your own branches! How green and full of expectant buds!

You can hack away at the entanglements of experience without destroying the place that you’ve grown from. You can honor your past, respect your present, and fertilize your future all under the same sun.

Every time you are afraid, you say to yourself: “tomorrow I will reap what I’ve sown.” But if you do not embrace your courage and grab your fruit basket from out by the shed you might find an autumn rot has laid waste to your work. The warning is dire, sure, but if you’re just waking up in winter, know that there are cold crops and greenhouses and growing lamps that can catch you up on what you’ve missed.

All this to say: act now. If you can’t, then act later. And if you don’t act at all, even the wilderness will grow in to remind you that you are alive. Wherever you are at, unspurl your arms toward the sun and wiggle your human fingers in the imaginary wind. Bury your toes in the dirt or in the shag carpet and feel the strength of your legs. Breath deep. Send an exhale to your plant friends.


Next Steps: Drink a glass of water, wash up some sweet fruit for yourself, and invite that body of yours to soften into the safety that surrounds it.

Notes To Self
Notes To Self
Notes to Self is on hiatus! Reminders, advice, and stories for myself in free verse. Sent daily and kept short, so you and I can read together over coffee. ✨
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